General Terms and Conditions of  Sabine Lochner Berlin Sightrunning

§ 1 – General Information

Sabine Lochner offers interested parties the experience and exploration as a runner of the city of Berlin with all its sights and attractions. That is why she leads sight running tours on routes she designed, though she will also gladly design tours based on the wishes of the participant. The individual tours have an average length of 60 minutes and are offered to both individuals and small groups. These tours are designed for both beginning and advanced runners, men and women, tourists and business travellers, as well as all ages. The tours can also be extended timewise to 180 minutes by arrangement.

§ 2 – Tour participation conditions

  1. The participant must be at least 18 years of age. For a group reservation, the person making the reservation must be at least 18 years old. The remaining members of the group can be under the age of 18.
  2. Single person reservations are bound to this person and are not transferable to another person.
  3. When making a group reservation, the names address of each individual in the group must be provided at the time of booking. The person booking the group reservation cannot transfer this reservation to another group of people. The composition of the group may change, as long as the person booking the group participates in the tour and other people replace those no longer participating. When replacing individuals in the case of a group booking the number of individuals registered at the time of booking may not be exceeded. If another person wants to participate on the tour, they need to make their own individual booking or an entirely new group booking.
  4. Before registering and participating in a tour, every participant is themselves responsible for undergoing a doctor’s examination to be sure that a 60 to 180 minute run is medically harmless. The participation condition for the tour is that the individual participant is healthy and has the physical fitness for the tour. This is valid for both individual and group booking. This is valid for every individual in a group booking.
  5. Tour participants themselves are responsible for obeying all traffic laws and signals, especially street traffic and street surface irregularities. Participation in a tour takes place at the risk of the participant.

§ 3 – Limitation of Liability

Sabine Lochner Berlin Sightrunning does not assume liability for health problems or participants’ lack of fitness, falls, accidents, participant injuries that take place during or after tour participation, unless due to deliberate or grossly negligent action on the part of Sabine Lochner Sightrunning. Sabine Lochner Berlin Sightrunning also does not assume liabilty for participant injuries that occur during the tour, unless the injuries are due to deliberate or grossly negligent action on the part of Sabine Lochner Berlin Sightrunning.

§ 4 – Terms of Payment and Fees

  1. The appropriate fees and payment for Sightrunning tour participation are due before the start of the tour. In case of an agreed upon cash payment, this must be paid to Sabine Lochner Berlin Sightrunning before the start of the tour. In case of a noncash payment, the money must be transferred to the account below of Sabine Lochner Berlin Sightrunning by the last workday before the day that the tour takes place. The bank account is:IBAN: DE66 1001 0010 0493 8381 01
  2. Participants that have not paid before the tour are excluded from tour participation. In this case they are still required to pay the agreed amount to Sabine Lochner Berlin Sightrunning, unless they cancelled the booking more than 24 hours before the start or previously declared their withdrawal from tour participation.

§ 5 – Booking and appointment

The participant tour booking only becomes legally effective when Sabine Lochner Berlin Sightrunning confirms by telephone or email with the person making the booking. This participation contract declaration is in effect once confirmation makes place.

The participant has the right to withdraw their contract declaration.  The following applies:

Withdrawal instruction

Right of Cancellation

You may withdraw your contract declaration within two weeks in written form (E-Mail, Letter, or Telefax) without giving reasons. The two week time period begins after the receival of these instructions in written form, though not before the contract conclusion and also not before the fulfilment of my information requirements according to § 312 c Abs. 2 BGB i. V. m. § 1 Abs. 1, 2 and 4 BGB–Infoverordnung and not before the fulfilment of our joint obligations.

  • 312 e Abs. 1 S. 1 BGB i. V. m. § 3 BGB-Infoverordnung. To comply with the time limit, it is sufficient that the cancellation is sent in good time. Cancellation is to be sent to:

Sabine Lochner Berlin Sightrunning
Sabine Lochner-Zerbe
Nürnberger Straße 19
12309 Berlin

Consequences of cancellation:

In case of a valid cancellation, the payments or goods received by both parties are to be restored and, if necessary, any profit drawn (e.g. interest) surrendered. If you are not able to return received goods in part or in whole or are only able to return them in bad condition, the customer might be obliged to compensate for the value lost. Obligations to reimburse payments must be fulfilled within 30 days. For you, this time period starts with the sending of your cancellation. For us, this time period begins with the reception of your cancellation.

Special Instructions:

The right to cancellation ends early if Sabine Lochner Berlin Sightrunning has begun the tour with your agreement before the cancellation time period or if you have arranged for this yourself.

§ 6 – Cancellation

  1. Every participant can cancel the booked tour at any time.
  2. If cancellation takes place between 48 and 24 hours before the start of the tour, the participant is obliged to pay a cancellation fee in the amount of 20% of payment to Sabine Lochner Berlin Sightrunning.
  3. If Sabine Lochner Berlin Sightrunning has only incurred a minor loss, the participant will receive a reimbursement of the difference between the actual loss and the cancellation fee. The participant has the right to provide proof that Sabine Lochner Berlin Sightrunning has only incurred a minor loss compared to a cancellation fee in the amount of 20% of the agreed upon payment through cancellation between 48 and 24 hours before the start of the tour.
  4. If a participant does not appear without a legitimate reason at the start of the tour, or withdraws from the planned tour less than 24 hours before the tour starts, the participant is required to pay Sabine Lochner Berlin Sightunning the required amount. In this case, the participant also has the right to provide proof that Sabine Lochner Berlin Sightunning has only incurred a minor loss. The withdrawn participant is required to give legitimate reason under § 6 Abs. 1 at the desire of Sabine Lochner Sightrunning.
  5. The customer always has the right to request a rebooking of a booked tour.

§ 7 – Data Protection

The security and protection of the participants’ data concerns Sabine Lochner Berlin Sightrunning. She is committed to observing the applicable provisions of data protection.

Within the scope of booking a tour and the transaction of booking a tour, personal data is saved and stored. Sabine Lochner Berlin Sightrunning is committed to using saved data only for the purposes of booking and transaction. She will not forward this data on to third parties. At any time, the participant can request information about saved data and its deletion

§ 8 – Miscellaneous

The legal relationship of Sabine Lochner Berlin Sightrunning with the participant is aligned exclusively with the law of the Federal Republic of Germany.

§ 9 – Severability Clause

Should one of the provisions be or become invalid, this does not affect the validity of the other provisions. Any such invalidations are to be regarded within the meaning of the other provisions of this contract, as long as they are not comprised of mandatory legal regulations.